Jun 6, 2011

A Hard day's night

Hey !
I'm so tired of my part-time job today. But I got many unsold Obento!
Those Obento is gonna be my tomorrow's lunch. That's easy way to save money. haha...

By the way, I went to watch the Handball game yesterday.
It was so fun! My high school team won the game. Wow...I'm so proud of them.
And I was so happy to met my old club mates. I had a great time with them! :)

I haven't written my book report for a long time.
Anyway, just keep tryin!

Martin Luther King / Lv.3
It's just his story, but I was so moved when I finished reading this book.
Black people were segregated at that time, because they were black.
But they didn't fought against the white people by violence even though white people tried to stop them by violence.
I respect him in that point. Maybe a lot of black people thought that violence is most easy way to change, and many black people did so.
But he knows the best way to change. I think he changes everything in beautiful way.

So sleepy...Bye!


  1. Ayumi,
    You sound busy and tired!
    Anyway, here is the link to the famous speech by Dr. King. Check it out:

  2. Thank you!
    I was so moved to his speach.
    Fortunately, I studying this kinds of topic in my law class, so I can understand the background of this speach.

    Anyway, It's also good for my English study.
    Thank you teacher!

  3. No problem! I am so proud of how hard you work to improve your English skills. I told my students in my advanced TOEFL class today about you (without mentioning your name) that you improved your TOEFL score by about 20 points in 3 months! They were all so impressed. Well, I know you are aiming higher, so keep up your great work!

  4. Thank you!
    Wow...It's so embarrassed. lol
    However I feel little nervous recently.
    I think it's difficult to keep my tension constant...:(
