May 12, 2011

A hard day's night

She isn't my cat.
She always sleeping on the roof of garage in my house.
She sometimes get off the roof, and scares my 4 dogs. They don't like her.

She looks so relaxing. my house.


I found it in newspaper.

Snow White is worrying about safety of food from Japan.
It's no laughing matter, but maybe it's true.
I had experience a same situation like this picture when I worked in part-time job.
People don't say that, but really care about that.


  1. I'm glad you keep updating your blog. Your teacher also told me that you work hard! Good job!!

    I don't like the cartoon above. I heard that the newspaper company had to apologize after publishing it. We need SUPPORT and not a JOKE!

  2. Thank you!
    You said "Try to use anything in Konan uniersity" when I met you last time, so I just try to follow your advise. I realized that attending the class and talking with teacher are important to study English. And library and International Exchange Center also.
    I know my skill is still bad especially reading and grammer, so I have to take more time to study English!

    I agree with you because it seems that they laghing about it. However I think this picture have some meanings like doubt of information from Japanese government or criticize for sensitive people in America who really cares effect of raditation. I don't know the detail of this picture so it's just my opinion.
    Anyway I think no matter what they intend to, they shoudn't have made this cartoon.
