Nov 30, 2009

wish wish !


I can get free time !
Writing a blog is fun for me, but there is no time to write blog recently...

When I wrote a blog about My three wishes, I realize that "Oh...I have many wishes!"
That include big wish and small wish.

Recently, my daily life is so lazy.  I think.
I always complaining about "I have no time !"

So I decided to grant my wish one by one.
Big or small, I don't care.
For example, I wish"I want to eat spaghetti !" and I eat spaghetti, it is OK.  My wish is comes true :)

For now, I want to eat Yukimi-daifuku. haha...
See you !


  1. Are your daily really lazy?
    I think you live a full life!

  2. I understand what you mean. I feel the same way when I give myself an excuse about time. I hope we both make the most of it! I am glad you are back on the blog!

  3. I know what you mean by not having enough time. I always give myself that excuse also. We both have to make the most of our time and try to do different thing! I am glad you are back to your blog!

  4. To Rian

    Thank you!
    I'm so happy that you said so :)
    However, I'm so lazy person than you think...
    To tell the truth, I'm so respect you.
    I want to be energy person like you!

  5. To teacher Asaba

    Yeah...I don't want to spend time for lazy life.
    I think "experience" is most important thing in life.
    Now, I'm 19yers old!
    I can do anything I want.
    So I must try to do different thing!:)
