Oct 18, 2009

Let's play Kendama !

Hi ! It's Ayumi !
Long time no see...

I'm very busy now.
Because my club activity is so hard...
But I know that I have to make time to write this blog.
So I try to write blog continually.

Anyway, Today's Owen class, I was talking about one of my hobby "Kendama".
That's sound so strange, but this is true story.

I'm playing Kendama for almost 12years.
I took Kendama test 3 or 4 times, and I get 6 grade.
I think you guys don't know that Kendama test is exist !

This is "official" Kendama. I have red one ↓↓

If you want to see my Kendama skill, I will show you. haha...

I want to talk more about Kendama , but I'm so sleepy now.
See you next time !


  1. I am glad you are back again! I didnt know you were a kendama expert! You should bring it to class and show me your wonderful kendama techniques!

  2. To teacher Asaba

    I'm not expert...
    I just can play Kendama!
    But I will show you my"Mosikame" skill:)
